Upload and download projects - Extended Adobe Compatibility

  • Updated

Imagen AI is compatible with Lightroom Classic but is not limited to it. Imagen also supports:

  • Lightroom CC
  • Photoshop (ACR)
  • Bridge (ACR)

This guide covers uploading and downloading projects when the source photos are from Lightroom CC, Photoshop, or Bridge. 

Upload a project

  1. From the Projects tab, click Create a new project. Then, choose Edit
  2. Choose the editing software you use.
    If you only have the option to choose a Lightroom Classic catalog, see Switch between Adobe editing software in this guide.toggle LRc further.png

    If you don't see the list of supported software, see this troubleshooting guide.

  3. Choose the folder where your photos are located. Imagen supports uploading JPEG, TIFF, or RAW files. Hover over the (!) next to RAW formats to see all supported file types. selecct folder.png

  4. Drag and drop the folder containing the photos, or click Browse to find them. Do not move the folder from this location until you've reviewed your edits. 
    drag or browse.png

  5. Name the project, select the AI Profile to edit your photos, and select the Additional AI tools to improve editing. JPEG photos can only be edited with JPEG AI Profiles and RAW photos with RAW AI Profiles.
    Name, profile.png

  6. Click Upload. Click Uploading in the top right corner to see the status of the project upload.

Download a project

  1. Once the edits are ready, click Download to review.  
    The Download edits window opens.

  2. Check the download path. By default, it's the same folder as the original files. If you have moved your files, click Browse to find them.

  3. Click Download edits. For photos in RAW format, Imagen creates a sidecar XMP file in the same folder as the original photos. For photos in JPEG and DNG format, the XMP information is embedded, so you won't see the sidecar files. For more information about seeing your edits, see this guide.

  4. You review edits in the Adobe editing software of your choice. There are different steps depending on your software, and they are summarized in the Review editing results window. These steps are also listed below. Do not use the default image viewer on your computer to review edits, because you won't see them outside of Adobe software.
    info to view.png

Review edits in Lightroom

  1. Open Lightroom, and select the Local tab. 

  2. Find the folder where you downloaded your photos, and review them. If you didn't edit all the photos in the folder, make sure you filter to only see edited photos.

    If you have an older version of Lightroom, continue with these steps. 
  3. Click the Share icon, and then click Original.

  4. Click Export to save the edit information. When you upload your final edits, you upload this information.

Review edits in Photoshop


  1. Open Photoshop.
  2. At the bottom of the Review editing results window, click Open folder.
  3. Select files from the folder, and drag them into Photoshop. Make sure to include XMP files. Since Photoshop uses a lot of computer resources, don't select too many photos at once.
  4. Review your photos.

Review edits in Bridge


  1. Open Bridge.
  2. Browse to your downloaded edits.
  3. Double-click a photo to change to loupe view.
  4. Review your photos.

Switch between Adobe editing software

Switch from Lightroom Classic to another Adobe software

  1. On the page to select your Lightroom Catalog, at the bottom left of the page, click the Click here link to select a different software.
    toggle LRc.png

  2. Choose your editing software. 
    toggle LRc further.png

Switch to Lightroom Classic from another Adobe software

  1. On the page to select your folder, at the bottom left of the page, click the Click here link.
    toggle from folder.png

  2. Select a Lightroom catalog.
    drop Lrc further.png


Unsupported file types

Imagen supports editing JPEG, TIFF, and RAW formats. If your photos are in one of these formats and you can’t upload them, contact support.



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