Catalog errors
Error Code | Text in error message | More things to try |
1010 |
No access to catalog We can’t access your catalog. See our guide to learn how to grant access. Try again. If you still need help, contact support. |
1020 |
Wrong catalog format Choose a catalog in .lrcat format. |
1030 |
Catalog file corrupted The catalog file is corrupted. See this Adobe guide to fix any issues. |
1040 |
Catalog is in use Your catalog is locked. Close Lightroom, and try to download again. See this Adobe guide. If Lightroom is closed, open it, and then open your catalog. Close Lightroom, and try to download again. |
Upload errors
Error Code | Text in error message | More things to try |
2001 | Something went wrong. Try again. If you still need help, contact support. |
Restart Imagen. |
2010 | Something went wrong. Create a new project, and upload the photos there. | |
2020 | We couldn’t find your files. Make sure external drives are connected to your computer. Try again. |
2030 | We couldn’t find the folder with your photos. Make sure external drives are connected to your computer. Try again. |
2040 | We can’t read the catalog. Close Lightroom Classic. See this Adobe guide, and try again. |
2050 | The catalog file is corrupted. See this Adobe guide to fix any issues. Try again. | Fix the catalog using the guide. |
2060 | Something went wrong. Create a new project, and upload the photos there. | Start the project again from scratch. |
2070 | We couldn’t find the catalog. Make sure external drives are connected to your computer. Try again. | Connect the hard drive with the catalog, or re-open a project with the catalog again. |
2080 | We can’t access your catalog. See our guide to learn how to grant access. Try again. If you still need help, contact support. | You might need to grant access permissions using the guide. |
2090 | Something went wrong. Try again. If you still need help, contact support. |
Restart Imagen. |
2100 | Something went wrong. Try again. If you still need help, contact support. |
2110 | You canceled the upload before it finished. Try again. | Try again. |
2120 | Something went wrong. Try again. If you still need help, contact support. | Try again. |
2130 | You need at least 500 MB of free space on your hard drive. Free up space by deleting or moving files. Try again. | The customer needs to free up 500 MB of hard drive space. |
2140 | We couldn’t find your files. Make sure external drives are connected to your computer. Try again. | Try again. |
2150 |
We couldn't upload the RAW files. If you have LrC, create Smart Previews. See this Adobe guide. For all Adobe software, try a clean install and installing a DNG converter. See this guide. Then try again. |
2160 | Copying the files for upload is slow. Move them to the main hard drive, and create Smart Previews in LrC (Adobe guide). Try again. If you still need help, contact support. |
2170 |
Something went wrong while compressing the images. If you have LrC, create Smart Previews. See this Adobe guide. For all Adobe software, try a clean install and installing a DNG converter. See this Adobe guide. Then try again. If you still need help, contact support. |
2180 | Some photos weren’t uploaded because metadata is missing. A third-party software might have removed it. Try to restore them and try again, or contact support. |
Download original photos from the camera again. |
2190 | Something went wrong. Try again. If you still need help, contact support. |
Restart Imagen. |
N/a (it’s a status, not an error) | Your available storage space is XX GB, but XX GB is required to back up this project. Free up some space, or upgrade your plan. | You need to upgrade the cloud plan. |
Download errors
Error Code | Text in error message | More things to try |
3000 |
General Lightroom Classic (when some photos were downloaded) This error might appear if you changed filters or selections. Go back to check your settings, or contact support if you need help. |
If you use Lightroom Classic and some photos were successfully downloaded, make sure that you set your filters and selections correctly. |
3010 | There was a connection issue. Try again or connect to a different network. | Try another network. Check the firewall and antivirus. See this guide. |
3020 | Your original photos weren’t in the folder. Make sure the folder path is correct, and the photos are there. Try again. If needed, go back and change the path. Current path: [link to current path] |
Make sure all photos are in the chosen directory. If you have subfolders, make sure that their structure inside the main folder is the same. |
3030 | We can’t access your catalog. Grant access by following this guide. Try again, or contact support. | |
3040 | Something went wrong. Try again. If you still need help, contact support. |
Close 3rd party software that might be related to the project. |
3050 | We couldn't download one or more photos. Try again. If you still need help, contact support. | It might be connection-related. Try another network. |
3060 | Something went wrong. Try again. If you still need help, contact support. |
Restart Imagen. |
3070 | Something went wrong. Try again. If you still need help, contact support. |
Restart Imagen. |
3080 | There was a connection issue. Try again or connect to a different network. | It might be connection-related. Try another network. |
3090 | Something went wrong. Try again. If you still need help, contact support. |
Restart Imagen. |
3100 | The catalog file extension isn’t valid. Choose a LrC catalog, and make sure the extension is .lrcat. |
3110 | The catalog file is corrupted. See this Adobe guide to fix any issues. Try again. | |
3120 |
Your catalog is locked. See this Adobe guide. Close Lightroom, and try to download again. If Lightroom is closed, open it, and then open your catalog. Close Lightroom, and try to download again. |
3130 | We couldn't find your catalog. Browse to the correct catalog, and try again. If you still need help, contact support. | Try to download photos again, and choose the correct catalog path. |
3140 | Something went wrong. Try again. If you still need help, contact support. |
Restart Imagen. |
3160 | Something went wrong. Go back to check that you selected the correct filters and folders. If that doesn’t help, contact support. | Make sure you selected edited photos or your filters included edited photos. |
Culling download errors
Error Code | Text in error message | More things to try |
4000 |
There are two possible notifications. One is for an issue with the XMP files. Another is a general issue. XMP error: We can’t export the culling results as XMP files. Click Export to Lightroom, or try again. If you need help, contact support. |
4010 | ||
4020 | ||
4030 | -- |
The download of the culling results was canceled. Contact support. |