New intuitive workflow to set up your project

  • Updated

We’re slowly rolling out this new workflow to set up a project, so you might not see it yet in your Imagen app. 

After you choose your Lightroom catalog, you choose your photos and their file format. Then, you choose your profile and photography type to automatically get a tailored list of AI tools for your project. Also, you’ll see a GIF preview of how the AI tool works as soon as you hover over it. 

  1. Choose the file type of your shoot and your photos for the project.

  2. Name your project, and choose your AI Profile and the photography type.

    The AI tools available are tailored to the photography type you chose.

  3. (As needed) Choose the AI tools for your project. Hover over each AI tool to see a GIF of how it works.

  4. Click Continue.

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