Background Mask is an AI tool that automatically selects the background in every photo and edits it so the main subject of your photos stands out. If needed, you can adjust the results to fit your style.
Tips for Background Mask
- Limit the number of photos in the project to 3,000.
- In the Choose AI tools area, select Background Mask and any other AI tools you need.
- (If needed) To adjust the Background Mask settings, click Adjust. Then click Save Changes to save these settings.
Adjusting the settings for Background Mask
You can customize the settings of the Background Mask to better suit your editing style. These changes affect the current project and all future projects.
- AI values: To change the AI value, choose Correction as the value type.
Imagen’s AI model sets these values for each photo edit. To adjust, you increase or decrease the AI value of a parameter. For example, if you set -5, the adjusted value is 5 less Imagen’s AI model. You can also turn it into a fixed value for all edits. - Fixed values: These values stay the same for all edits. They are based on the most common value among the edited photos the profile was created with. To adjust, you change the fixed value of a parameter and set the value for all the edits.
You can always reset the default values of the Background Mask AI tool.
If I'm unhappy with the results, what do I do?
- Adjust Background Mask settings from the Projects page. Imagen prompts you to download the edits. Follow the steps to download the edits again.
- Remove local adjustments in the Adobe editing software you use.
- For Lightroom, set the Background Mask to 0% for each photo.
- For Lightroom Classic users, see Remove Imagen local adjustments in Lightroom Classic.