Get our help to create a Personal AI Profile automatically

  • Updated

We can help you automatically create a Personal AI Profile by analyzing the metadata in your Lightroom catalogs and recommending the best ones that reflect your style. You only need to upload your catalogs to train your new profile. 

We can help you build a profile from scratch or help you finish up one you started. Both flows are in this guide.

Automatically creating a profile is only open to Lightroom Classic users for now, and we’re rolling this out slowly, so you might not see it yet.

Before you begin

Make sure you gave Imagen permission to scan and upload your catalog metadata when you updated Imagen.

Create a Personal AI Profile automatically

  1. If your catalogs are on external hard drives, connect them now.  Leave the hard drives connected to your computer.

  2. You can start in a few ways:
    From the Imagen Home page, click Add a profile.
    From the AI Profiles page, click Create your own profile.

    Imagen analyzes the metadata in your Lightroom catalogs and creates a list of the ones that best reflect your style:

    When the list of catalogs is ready, you see what we chose for your profile.

  3. Name your profile, and click Create my profile. Your edits are uploaded and sent to train your profile.

    Your profile will be ready to use within 24 hours, and you’ll receive an email to let you know.

Get help to finish creating your profile

If you started creating your Personal AI Profile on your own and need help finishing it, we can help you. 

  1. On the AI Profiles page, click the profile you want to complete.

  2. Click Do it for me.

  3. Imagen finds your best edits:

    When the list of catalogs is ready, you see what we chose for your profile.

  4. Name your profile, and click Create my profile. Your edits are uploaded and sent to train your profile.

Your profile will be ready to use within 24 hours, and you’ll receive an email to let you know.

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