Talent AI Profiles vs. Personal AI Profiles

  • Updated

This guide covers the differences between Talent AI Profiles and Personal AI Profiles.

Talent AI Profiles are ready to use

Talent AI profiles are ready to use. You don't need at least 3,000 edited photos in your style as you do for a Personal AI Profile.

Even though you cannot fine-tune a Talent AI profile, you can still make any final edits you wish to make to the photos once Imagen has applied its edits. When you have at least 3,000 photos with all those final edits, you can make your own profile.

In this video below, you can learn how to use one of the Talent AI Profiles as a base to create your own Personal AI Profile.

JPEG compatibility with Talent AI Profiles

There are currently two Talent AI Profiles that support JPEG photo editing.

We will soon add additional Talent AI Profiles that will support JPEG photos, keep an eye on our Facebook community group for updates.

In case you usually shoot and edit JPEGs, you have the option to train a Personal AI Profile that supports JPEG file types.

Fine-tuning and Talent AI Profiles

Even though you can’t fine-tune a Talent AI Profile, when you upload your final edits, we duplicate it so you have a base for your Personal AI Profile. Your final edits are saved to this new profile, and you can eventually fine-tune it to become even closer to your style.

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