Imagen's JPEG compatibility

  • Updated

Personal AI Profiles for JPEG editing

Any photographer who usually shoots and edits JPEG photos in Lightroom Classic can create a JPEG-based Personal AI Profile based on his editing style.

JPEG-based Personal AI Profiles are compatible only with JPEG photos, not RAW photos.

Talent AI Profiles for JPEG editing

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Imagen AI Profiles for JPEG editing

  • Sport Star - JPEG
  • School Spirit - JPEG
  • Elegant Home - JPEG

Can I build a Personal AI Profile with my exported JPEG final edits?

No. Imagen learns how you edit your images based on how you adjust Lightroom settings and sliders.

All image settings and sliders will be on “0” when importing exported JPEGs into Lightroom.

Imagen treats those photos as unedited and is unable to learn from them.

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