Imagen won't show photos from my Lightroom catalog

  • Updated

Here are the top reasons that you don't see your photos from a Lightroom catalog in Imagen.

Photos and folders are not connected to a Lightroom catalog


In this case, an error message lets you know how many photos Imagen did not find. This error usually happens when photos or folders were moved inside Lightroom Classic. See this guide for help.

Imagen filters 

Screenshot_24.pngImagen filters can include or exclude photos according to Lightroom attributes.
If you don’t see all of your photos, go to the Number of Images column, and check if there is an exclamation point there. Hover over the exclamation point to see which filter is hiding your photos.


AI Profile doesn't match the photo file format

If you import JPEG photos to a catalog, and you select an AI Profile for RAW photos or vice versa, those photos are automatically excluded.

To check your Personal AI Profile type, go to the AI Profiles page, and click your AI Profile. At the top of the screen, you'll see the supported file type.


If you created an AI Profile for the wrong file type, you'll need to create a new AI Profile with the correct file type.



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