Catalog backups by Imagen

  • Updated

Before downloading your project edits, Imagen backs up your Lightroom catalog in case something goes wrong, as we know how valuable a Lightroom catalog can be.

Every time a project is downloaded, Lightroom automatically backs up the catalog.

cloud storage.png

In the Imagen app, on the My Account page, go to Catalog Recovery

A. View the size occupied by your backup catalogs on your drive.
B. Access the folder path containing the backups for Lightroom catalogs.
C. Click the Open Folder button to open the backup folder.
D. Click the Delete now button to remove all catalog backups.
E. Schedule automatic deletion of your catalog backups (Never, 7/14/30/60/90/180 days).


How can I retrieve my catalog backup?

  1. On the My Account page, go to Catalog Recovery and click Open Folder (C).
  2. Locate the relevant folder.
    Every time you download a project, we copy and back up your catalog to a new folder, named according to the date and time the project was downloaded.
  3. Open the relevant folder to find the catalog backup.
  4. (Recommended) Copy the catalog to the original location on your computer.


When can I delete the catalog backup?

To free up some space immediately, click Delete Now (D).
After downloading the project and opening the relevant Lightroom catalog without any issues, you can remove the catalog backup to save some HD space.

You can't retrieve backups you deleted.


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