Get your Lightroom catalogs ready with edited photos
- Review our guidelines for choosing edited photos for your profile. You’ll import these photos into your Lightroom catalogs.
- Make sure that the photos and folders you want to upload to Imagen are linked inside your Lightroom catalog. We recommend having Smart Previews built for them, but it is not required.
- Rate the photos you want to upload to Imagen with dedicated colors, stars, or flags. This will make it easier to select photos to upload since you can filter your Lightroom attributes within the Imagen app.
Create a Personal AI Profile
- Go to the AI Profiles page. This link opens the AI Profiles page in the Imagen app on your computer.
- Click Create your own profile.
- Click Personal AI Profile.
You are prompted to include photos shot in a consistent style but in varying environments and light.
- Click Next.
- Choose RAW or JPEG/TIFF, depending on the photos you want to edit with this profile. An AI Profile edits one image format. If you shoot both image formats, you must create separate AI Profiles. For more about JPEG compatibility, see our guide.
- Choose Color or Black & White, depending on the photos you want to edit with this profile. An AI Profile edits either color or B&W. If you shoot both, you must create separate AI Profiles.
- Type in a name for this profile.
- Select a photography type for the profile.
- Choose a Lightroom Classic catalog with your edited photos. You can choose a catalog from the dropdown list, browse to a specific catalog, or drag and drop photos into the window.
- Make sure the correct photos are selected for upload. Filter for the photos you chose when setting up your catalogs. If you don’t see the photos you want, see this guide for troubleshooting. Click Upload & choose next catalog.
- Repeat steps 8 and 9 until you see at least 3,000 photos uploaded to the profile. The progress bar above the catalog turns blue.
- Click Upload & train.
- Click Got it. The photos start uploading. Keep Imagen open while the photos are uploading.
After the photos are uploaded, Imagen automatically trains the profile. You can close the app at this point. Training can take up to 24 hours, and you’ll receive an email when the profile is ready. You can find your new profile on the AI Profiles page.