Fine-tune your Personal AI Profile

  • Updated

Fine-tuning lets you make your Personal AI Profile even more accurate.

How does it work?

Every time you upload final edits, Imagen saves the information from the edits. When there is enough new information from your final edits, you can fine-tune your profile to include these changes. This way, your profile gets closer to your style every time you fine-tune it. You can keep fine-tuning your profile every time you have enough final edits.

To keep your profile as close to your style as possible, we recommend uploading your final edits after each project Imagen edits for you. See Add final edits to Personal AI Profiles for help.

Readiness for fine-tuning

On the AI Profiles page, click your Personal AI Profile to check if your profile is ready for fine-tuning.

When your profile is ready for fine-tuning, click Send for fine-tuning to start. You can continue to use your profile while it is in fine-tuning.


Color codes

  • Cyan: Original images used to create the profile
  • Yellow: Uploaded final edits
  • Dashed yellow: Number of final edits needed for fine-tuning

Number of photos required for fine-tuning

You need half the final edits as your last AI Profile training, but the minimum is at least 3,000 edits. For example:

  • 3,000 original photos = 3,000 new photos needed
  • 6,000 original photos = 3,000 new photos needed
  • 12,000 original photos = 6,000 new photos needed

Start fine-tuning

  1. Go to the AI Profiles page in the Imagen app.
  2. Click your AI Profile name.
  3. If it’s eligible for fine-tuning, duplicate your profile first to back it up.
  4. Repeat step 1 and 2, and click Send for fine tuning. The update takes up to 24 hours. You can still use your profile during this time.

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