Use Imagen filters to mark and select specific photos from a catalog

  • Updated

Use filters to upload photos

By assigning unique rating, color or flag attributes to your photos using XMPs in Lightroom or other similar apps, you can selectively include or exclude specific images.
By default, no filters are applied to uploads or downloads, but you can apply any filter you wish.
For example, If you've marked your culled images with 5 stars, you can instruct Imagen to select only those images to be sent for editing with ease.

Use filters to download or upload final edits

You can also use the "Filters" feature when downloading edits or uploading your final edits of a project.
This gives you full control over the selected photos you wish to download or upload.

At the bottom of the screen, as seen on the screenshot, you will see the number of selected photos when the filters are applied. This number will change according to your selections.

Missing photos because of filter selections

Imagen will indicate if photos are missing because of a filter.
If some photos are missing in a folder or collection, it could be because of a filter selection.
To identify this, you will see an exclamation point icon on the right side of the folder/collection name. Hovering your mouse pointer over the icon will display the specific filter that caused the images to not be selected.
For example, In the selected folder as seen in the following screenshot, none of the photos are rated 5 stars, causing Imagen to exclude all of them.


Edited vs. Not edited filter

We have Edited and Not Edited filters to exclude edited or unedited photos. For example, when creating a Personal AI Profile, this filter will automatically exclude unedited photos since we need your editing metadata for the profile. 

Imagen considers a photo edited if any change has been made to the photo.
Not edited are straight-out-of-camera photos with no edit applied to them.

Any photo that has the Edited Lightroom badge on it is considered an edited photo by Imagen.


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