Deliver your photos straight from Imagen

  • Updated

After your edits are ready, you can deliver your final photos by exporting them to a folder as JPEGs or publishing them to a Pic-Time gallery. Delivering photos is limited to projects uploaded from Lightroom Classic catalogs. 

Set up Imagen to deliver final photos

When you set up Imagen to deliver your photos, you:

  • Automatically upload high-res photos from your Lightroom catalog. If you use our Cloud Storage, your high-res photos are already uploaded.
  • (Pic-Time only) Connect to your Pic-Time account and allow Imagen to access it. 

Setup for final JPEG photos

  1. In the Imagen app, click the circle in the bottom left corner, and then click My Account.

  2. Click Deliver.

  3. In Export photos to a folder, click the switch to enable it. The switch turns light green when it’s enabled.

Setup for a Pic-Time connection

  1. Log in to your Pic-Time account.

  2. In the Imagen app, click the circle in the bottom left corner, and then click My Account.

  3. Click Deliver.

  4. In Publish to Pic-Time, click Connect.

    Imagen enables uploading high-res photos to Pic-Time.

  5. Click Approve.

    Imagen is connected to your Pic-Time account. In Imagen, the Connect button changes to Disconnect.

Disable automatic upload of high-res photos and disconnect from Pic-Time

You can turn off the automatic upload of high-res photos and disconnect from Pic-Time. Even after you disable the automatic upload, you can still export final JPEGs to a folder, but you will need to upload the photos in the middle of the export process.

  1. In the Imagen app, click the circle in the bottom left corner, and then click My Account.

  2. Click Deliver.

  3. In Choose where to deliver your final photos, click the switch for Export photos to a folder, and click Disconnect to disconnect Imagen from Pic-Time.

Export final JPEGs to a folder

When you export JPEGs to a folder, Imagen creates a new final-jpegs folder inside the folder where your catalog is located. It exports them there.

  1. On the Projects page, find the project with the photos you want to export. Click the More options (3-dots) menu at the end of the row, and then click Deliver photos.

  2. Click Export JPEGs to a folder. If you haven’t yet uploaded high-res photos, you are prompted to do this. See Upload high-res photos to Imagen for delivery for help.

  3. Click Export to export your photos to the final-jpegs folder in the folder where your catalog is located.

    Your photos are downloaded to the folder.
  1. When the download completes, click Open folder to see your photos.

Publish to a Pic-Time gallery

When you publish to a Pic-Time gallery, you can publish to a new or existing gallery or add to a gallery already connected to Imagen. You can also choose to publish only your final edits to a gallery or publish your whole project.

Create a new Pic-Time gallery

  1. Connect to your Pic-Time account.

  2. Review your edits as you usually do in Lightroom Classic. See Upload and download projects with Lightroom Classic.

  3. If you want to publish only your final edits to a gallery, find the project with the final edits on the Projects page and then click Upload Final Edits.
    You're prompted when the upload is complete.

    Click Next. Your project is archived. Click Deliver project.

    Continue to step 5.

  4. If you want to publish your whole project to a Pic-Time gallery, on the Projects page, find the project with the photos you want to export. Click the More options (3-dots) menu at the end of the row, and then click Deliver photos.

  5. Click Publish to a Pic-Time gallery. If you haven’t yet uploaded high-res photos, you are prompted to do this. See Upload high-res photos to Imagen for delivery for help.

  6. Click Create a new Pic-Time gallery.

  7. Enter a name in the Gallery name field, and click Create gallery.

    Your gallery is created in Pic-Time, and you see it in Imagen. It might take a while for your photos to appear in your gallery.

  8. From this window, you can view and manage the gallery.

Choose an existing Pic-Time gallery

  1. Connect to your Pic-Time account.

  2. Review your edits as you usually do in Lightroom Classic. See Upload and download projects with Lightroom Classic.

  3. If you want to publish only your final edits to a gallery, find the project with the final edits on the Projects page, and then click Upload Final Edits.
    You're prompted when the upload is complete.

    Click Next. Your project is archived. Click Deliver project.

    Continue to step 5.

  4. If you want to publish your whole project to a Pic-Time gallery, on the Projects page, find the project with the photos you want to export. Click the More options (3-dots) menu at the end of the row, and then click Deliver photos.

  5. Click Publish to a Pic-Time gallery.  If you haven’t yet uploaded high-res photos, you are prompted to do this. See Upload high-res photos to Imagen for delivery for help.

  6. Click Choose and existing Pic-Time gallery.

  7. Choose a gallery from the list, and click Choose gallery.

    Your gallery is created in Pic-Time, and you see it in Imagen. It might take a while for your photos to appear in your gallery.

  8. From this window, you can view and manage the gallery.

Upload high-res photos to Imagen for delivery

When you deliver photos from projects that weren’t set up for delivery, you are prompted one time to upload the high-res photos in the middle of the delivery process. If you use our Cloud Storage, your high-res photos are already uploaded.

Continue this procedure from either Export final JPEGs to a folder or Publish to a Pic-Time gallery.

  1. Click Upload to upload high-resolution photos.

    Your photos start to upload.

  2. When the upload is complete, click Deliver.

  3. Click Export JPEGs to a folder or Publish to a Pic-Time gallery, then continue your flow.


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